Faq’s Sound Healing, ThetaHealing® Technique and IET® Integrated Energy Therapy

 Sound Healing

 Immerse yourself in the sound of the earth, including crystal singing bowls, chimes, drums, Tibetan bowls, breathwork, guided meditation, or Theta Healing.

Vibrations surround the room and around your body providing you with healing at the cellular level. Sound is not only heard through the ears, but it is felt with every aspect of your being physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. This type of healing modality has a profound effect on the body’s cells, tissues, organs, DNA, and systems of the body. 

Offered in person, private sessions: 1:1, couples, and groups 

 Benefits of sound healing 

 Provides a deep state of relaxation

 Reduces pain

 Relieves stress

 Balance the nervous system

 Improve focus, concentration and mental clarity

 Balance the hormones

 Reduce high blood pressure 

 Boost immune system

 Relieve depression and anxiety

 Enhance meditation practice

 Improves circulation

 Regulates sleep

 Improves recovery from illness 

 Nurture your mind, body, and soul 

 FAQs

 Is this a meditation?

 A sound bath experience is a mindfulness practice that helps you to connect with the present moment. It is a form of meditation that

allows for a deep sense of relaxation. No meditation experience is necessary!

Will a sound bath help me sleep?

 A sound bath can help you access a reflective, self-healing state and invite a sense of calmness into your daily life to promote

healthy sleep. 

 What should I wear/bring?

 Please dress comfortably as you will be laying down. Feel free to bring a yoga mat, small blanket, pillow, eye mask, or anything that

will help you to feel comfortable and allow you to relax. 

 I am unable to lay on the floor. Can I still attend a sound bath?

 Lying on the floor is one way to experience a sound bath, however if this is not possible, you are welcome to sit on a cushion, chair, or

in the upright position. 

 I suffer from anxiety. Can a sound bath be helpful?

 Attending sound baths regularly can be very beneficial with reducing anxiety and stress. By experiencing a sound bath you will

activate the parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest) and allow your body to heal, balance, and reset.


ThetaHealing® Technique

 A meditation technique to create massive change and healing in your life. Break free of limiting beliefs, outdated programming, fears, and doubts that have prevented you from living your desired reality.

Reprogram Beliefs Around:

 Not feeling healthy/ inability to heal Chronic or incurable diseases

 Not being good enough

 Not being strong enough

 Unsafe in your body

 Feeling Unlovable or Unworthy

 Feeling alone

 Feeling Stuck in your current situation

 Generational and parental patterns

 Karmic past life vows

-What You Can Experience Through the Theta Healing Technique

- Reduced Anxiety/Depression

- Heal Illness, Abuse, & Addiction

- Heal Chronic or incurable diseases

- Mend Heartbreak

- Improve your relationship with Money

- Improve Self-love

- Become a Master Manifestor

- Balance Chakras

- Improve Relationships with self and others

- Clear Radiation/EMF from the body

- Remove Limiting Beliefs, Fears, Doubts

- Visit the Akashic Records to Recall Past Lives, Soul Contracts

- Connect With Universal Laws to Bend Time, Acquire Virtues, Enter 5th Dimension

- Unlock your Soul’s Blueprint

- Uncover Blocks preventing you from experiencing happiness, fulfillment, and love.

- Channel Source Energy to Receive Guidance

- Experience Instant Self-Healing

- Connect With your Higher Self, Ancestors, Angels, Spirit Guides

- Change Genetic Coding

- Heal Childhood Trauma




 The ThetaHealing technique is a world renown healing method that was created by Vianna Stibal in 1995 during her own personal journey back to health and after she healed from a 9-in tumor in her leg.

The ThetaHealing technique is a meditation technique and spiritual philosophy - not specific to one religion but accepting them all - with the purpose of getting closer to the Creator. It is a training method for your mind, body and spirit that allows you to clear limiting beliefs and live life with positive thoughts, developing virtues in all that we do. Through meditation and prayer, the ThetaHealing Technique creates a positive lifestyle.

The ThetaHealing technique is always taught to be used in conjunction with conventional medicine. It teaches how to put to use one’s own natural intuition, relying upon unconditional love of Creator Of All That Is to do the actual “work.” We believe by changing your brain wave cycle to include the “Theta” state, you can actually watch the Creator Of All That Is create instantaneous physical and emotional wellbeing. We have learned that through the ThetaHealing Technique intuitive abilities can be used to bring about spontaneous physical and emotional wellbeing.

To Learn more about the ThetaHealing technique, visit www.thetahealing.com


The ThetaHealing technique has been used to address a wide variety of physical and emotional issues. Each session, whether conducted in person or online, feels like a meditative experience.

After identifying the intention of the session, the practitioner takes the client and themselves into the meditative state of Theta.

The session includes an intuitive scan, belief work, and a healing. The practitioner will teach you to use a muscle test, to see what beliefs you have that may trigger the area you are seeking to change. Nothing is changed without your permission.


Theta Healing allows for a deeper awareness of one’s life, connection to one’s self and the world. This gentle, powerful, and transformative healing modality allows for the effective and therapeutic release of traumatic events, old patterns, baggage, and beliefs, to provide the opportunity for happiness, fulfillment, healing, and purpose in life.



Theta Healing is a gentle therapeutic technique that focuses on helping an individual heal and become aware of their inner strengths. Through the identification of the individual’s blocks and “barriers” preventing them from moving forward or experiencing true fulfillment in life, you can reach your fullest potential.

This meditation process taps into the Theta brainwave state to explore your past where these “bottom beliefs” as known in Theta Healing, stemmed from. Through a process called “digging” we discover the root cause of physical, mental, emotional, and dis-ease in your life, and the emotional, environmental and energetic attachment that’s causing you to be unable to heal from it.


Theta Healing allows you to become aware of your beliefs and why you are repeating the same patterns, thoughts, or struggling. You are then able to create change in your life and will notice an immediate energetic shift.



Before your session, please drink plenty of water. It is important to be fully hydrated, this will allow your muscle testing to be clear, precise, and strong. During your session muscle testing will be necessary.


Coming into the session with an open mind, heart, and intention of wanting positive change is key for a successful Theta Healing Session. It is important to be clear on what you would like to work on during the scheduled session, how your issue is serving you or what you’re learning as a result of the issue. This will rapidly accelerate the pace of your session. Take some time for introspection and reflection prior to meeting on what you wish to change in your life.




ThetaHealing® is open to all people regardless of their religion. In ThetaHealing we teach people from all religions. We believe every religion is beautiful and wonderful.



Theta Healing can be performed all over the world, whether by phone, zoom, or in person. It is up to the preference of the client.



A lot of work can be covered in a short amount of time. The number of sessions will vary from person to person. Many clients will experience a shift within one session, however sometimes the belief systems around the issue are more complex and need deeper belief work done over a few sessions to achieve their desired change.


Yes all practitioners are required to sign a contract to practice the ThetaHealing technique. ThetaHealing® is a registered trademark and we make sure to protect that. This contract lets the person know what they can and cannot do as a certified ThetaHealer® and also helps to keep the work pure. A person has to take a Basic ThetaHealing seminar in order to be a Certified ThetaHealing Practitioner.

IET® Integrated Energy Therapy

 Integrated Energy TherapyⓇ is an energy therapy that allows one to heal the “issues out of tissues” in the body, working with your body’s cellular memory and energy field. IET uses the energy of the Angels to work directly with your 12 Strand Spiritual DNA.

Through this modality, you are able to safely and gently release limiting energy patterns of your past, empowering and balancing your life in the present, and helps you to reach your potential as you evolve. 

 Benefits

 Can painlessly release your suppressed feelings and your limiting cellular memories

 Supports you in enhancing your health, life purpose, prosperity, and creativity

 Empowers you to experience fulfilling loving relationships in all areas of your life

 Supports your self-healing at all levels, physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual

 Increases your connection to your angels and helps you work with them in your life 

 Helps you to discover and live your soul’s mission in life 

 Imprints feelings of safety, ease, forgiveness, love, humble pride, and innocence in one’s energetic anatomy

 FAQs

 How can I expect to feel after? 

 The effects of the session may continue to integrate for up to two sleep cycles following the treatment. During this time you may feel energized, light, focused, tired, unsettled, or somehow have a sense of being in transition. Thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations may continue to surface as your body adjusts to its new energetic patterns. All of these experiences are good and normal parts of the integration process. Be sure to rest, drink extra water, and be kind to yourself, especially over the next 48 hours. Listen to what your body is telling you and take time to reflect on any experiences or insights that arise.

 How can IET help me?

 Energy healing can benefit and support people of all ages who are in various phases and transitions in their lives. IET can support you whether you are breaking an addiction, grieving the loss of a loved one, or simply looking for more ease and less stress in your daily life. The purpose of this healing is to release the pain of your past in order to empower your future. 

 Are sessions virtual or in person?

 Sessions are offered either virtual or in person, however this is a hands on technique so you will not have the same experience. Healing will take place no matter in person or virtual, so no need to worry! 

 Is IET Safe?

 Integrated Energy Therapy has the ability to release blockages safely and gently. Clients do not have to revisit their pains and trauma in order to heal.

Do I have to be of a certain religion to experience an IET session?

 IET is open to all people regardless of their religion. We believe all religions are beautiful and wonderful. 

 How to prepare for a session

 Before your session, please drink plenty of water. It is important to be fully hydrated, this will allow your body to integrate smoothly. Coming into the session with an open mind, heart, and intention of wanting positive change is key for a successful IET Session.


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