MLD is a specialized massage type that gently assists the lymphatic system in maintaining the body’s fluid balance, blood circulation, and immune mechanisms.

Someone has to take out the trash. In your body, that job falls to the lymphatic system. This underrated and often forgotten powerhouse is the largest circulatory system in the body. It picks up waste formed from chemicals and toxic ingredients and ushers them out of your body. While the lymphatic system is mostly water, it has no pump to keep it moving. If you’re not moving your body enough or propelling your lymphatic system on a daily basis, it can cause a toxic backup. If you find yourself feeling sluggish, tired, constantly sick, or prone to headaches – you might need a lymph cleanse. When the trash can of your body is overflowing with toxic waste, it tends to cause problems. The lymphatic system is one of the most underappreciated systems in your body – until it’s not working properly. It’s important to take care of your internal sanitation center and keep the pipes clear so you can keep your body clean. You don’t have to put up with feeling sick or tired anymore, give your body a boost and take out the trash with a lymph cleanse.

What is the Lymphatic System?

Your lymphatic system, part of your immune system, has many functions. They include protecting your body from illness-causing invaders, maintaining body fluid levels, absorbing digestive tract fats and removing cellular waste.

What to Expect?

Manual Lymphatic Drainage is a gentle rhythmic pumping motion directly on dry clean skin to dilate the vessels pumping the lymph fluid through the system.

How Does MLD Work?

Example: I give you a brand new car. The parts are perfect and glistening. How perfect would that car run if I told you not to change the oil? It’s not enough to have great parts. Lymph fluid’s role can be compared to the oil and is as important to our body as oil is to the car. It must go through a filtration process. Naturally, the process is done with muscle movement, breathing, healthy diet and adequate hydration. But, how many get enough to keep lymph flowing and filtering at a healthy pace? With MLD, cellular debris (a component of lymph) is eradicated as lymphangiomotoricity is activated by the gentle strokes of MLD and filtration is achieved at an accelerated pace.

What Conditions Have Been Treated With MLD?

Coming back to the car example, imagine viscous oil is not properly cleansed due to poor filtration and movement. It begins to have an effect on the surrounding parts, and the performance of the car is sluggish. This is why for the past century, it is common to find MLD on the menu of modalities for conditions such as these.



Leg Ulcers

Diabetic Ulcers



Multiple Sclerosis

Crohn's Disease





Hair Loss

Cosmetic Dentistry

Swollen Eyes/Sinuses







Joint Replacements




Torn Muscles






Pain Management

Phantom Pain



Down's Syndrome